With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we couldn’t help but notice all the cool and lovey-dovey marketing ideas we’ve seen over the past few weeks. Valentine’s Day is a […]
Bad, snowy weather can keep customers away. Why not find a way to turn school and work closures to your advantage by becoming a snow day destination. If you do […]
Last week, we discussed the importance of getting started on your holiday marketing plan now. To that end, here are 8 ideas to get your creative marketing juices flowing! Spas can thank […]
This month on LSMGuide, we’re talking about holiday promotional planning! Believe it or not, there are just over 100 days until Christmas. That means there are just about 70 days […]
While we’re still a ways from Labor Day, for some kids, the end of summer is near. Many K-12 schools across the country begin school soon, and most colleges classes begin at […]
Memorial Day is an American holiday observed the last Monday of May and honors those who died while serving in the U.S. military. In addition to being a solemn celebration […]
April 22, is Earth Day! The celebration of Earth Day in 1970 launched the modern environmental movement. Over the years, we’ve seen a some great examples of how businesses are celebrating [...]
Last December, we shared 25 great holiday local store marketing ideas (one for each day leading up to Christmas) to inspire you and help drive sales to your business! This […]