In addition to everything you need to organize and plan for in preparation for the holiday shopping season (only 105 days until Christmas!), another thing you should be thinking about […]
Last week, we discussed the importance of getting started on your holiday marketing plan now. To that end, here are 8 ideas to get your creative marketing juices flowing! Spas can thank […]
This month on LSMGuide, we’re talking about holiday promotional planning! Believe it or not, there are just over 100 days until Christmas. That means there are just about 70 days […]
While rewarding your team members for high sales or another financial metric are nothing new, have you ever considered rewarding them for providing exemplary customer service? Rewards for [...]
In the past, we’ve discussed where to find potential employees and how to attract them with unique and fun company perks. (See articles linked below) Now, we need to talk […]
“To succeed, surround yourself with great talent.” Alright. But where to start? How do you find the right employees for your business? First of all, you need to have a […]
In a previous article, we gave you a little background on company culture: what it is, who it involves, and how to start the process of finding your own! Today, […]
Company (or, organizational) culture is defined by Wikipedia as “the behavior of humans who are part of an organization,” and includes “organization values, visions, norms, [...]