This month on LSMGuide, we’re talking about holiday promotional planning! Believe it or not, there are just over 100 days until Christmas. That means there are just about 70 days […]
While rewarding your team members for high sales or another financial metric are nothing new, have you ever considered rewarding them for providing exemplary customer service? Rewards for [...]
In a previous article, we gave you a little background on company culture: what it is, who it involves, and how to start the process of finding your own! Today, […]
Company (or, organizational) culture is defined by Wikipedia as “the behavior of humans who are part of an organization,” and includes “organization values, visions, norms, [...]
I haven’t been a student for years, but the month of September always makes me want to go out and purchase brand new notebooks and binders and come home and […]
Are you thinking about opening a new restaurant? Or, are you in the process of planning the grand opening of your new restaurant concept? If so, we’re sure you’ve got […]
In our Trends & Tours Series, we’ve talked about Store Tours and Friending the Competition as ways to keep up with the competition and get ideas for your business. But […]
Customer comment cards. You see them along with your receipt from dinner, or next to the check-out at your favorite spa. Do you ever fill them out? Ever wonder what […]