Tips for Today: Small Business Resolutions

 In Be Calendar Relevant, Be The Leader, Marketing Plan, New Store, Planning

‘Tis the season for resolutions! While you’ve probably given some thought to what you want your personal resolutions to be, have you considering setting resolutions (or goals) for your small business for 2016? You know what they say: “People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.”

To that end, here are a few ideas to make 2016 your best year yet!

Go Paperless

If you’re anything like us, it’s likely you have a pile (or several piles) of papers, business cards, financial statements, or other documents lying around on your desk or in file cabinets. And, if you’re anything like us, looking at those piles of paper every day makes you feel disorganized. Buy a scanner, opt into a cloud-based server, and clear the clutter!

Learn One New Skill

Are you afraid of social media? Or, do you wish you knew how to create a snazzy e-newsletter? Take the time to invest in yourself and learn a new skill- read a do-it-yourself book, take a class online or in person, or ask a friend or colleague for a tutorial.

Schedule a Customer Appreciation Event

…or schedule several customer appreciation events! Let’s be honest, you wouldn’t be where you are now without the support of your customers. Mark your calendar for one or several dates throughout the year to run a special customer appreciation promotion or to host a customer appreciation party.

Take a Vacation

We know how hard it is for you to get away – there’s always something that needs your attention. That’s exactly why it’s so important for you to schedule time off (and various travel reservations) in advance – you and your employees can mentally prepare for your absence, and you’re less likely to back out of your plans!

Let Go

2016 might be the time to say good bye to employees, vendors or customers that are no longer worth your time, money or energy. Even if you like these people as…well, people, it doesn’t mean they are a good fit for your business. You know what to do.


What resolutions are you making in 2016?


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