Annual Planning: 5 Ways to Drive Traffic

 In Be Calendar Relevant, Build Awareness, Create Community, Drive Traffic, Drive Trial, Event

Once you’ve developed your goals for the new year, you can use a number of strategies to get there. One key strategy is to Drive Traffic to your location by enticing your customers with special events, promotions, or offers! Here are 5 ways to drive traffic to your location!

Busy Season Relief

As a retailer or restauranteur, you know when your busy season is (holidays, summer, weekends). This marketing activity is all about creating special limited-time offers for your customers who face busy seasons of their own! Think about how you can make life easier for the teachers, tax professionals, or students in your community – late night food specials for students, discount days for teachers, or special event for tax professionals after April 15.



Host Regular Events

Hosting events is a great way to drive traffic by making your location a destination, and doing them regularly is also a great way to drive frequency and make regulars out of your customers. You could host a monthly seminar or educational class, host a weekly tasting, or host a trivia or other game night once a week!


Anniversary Party

Host an anniversary party for the community to thank your customers AND build awareness with potential customers. Make sure to keep the focus on the customer with a “Happily Serving Customers for X Years” theme, and promote special offers, limited edition items, or giveaways. An anniversary party is a great opportunity for another ribbon cutting, a donation to a charity, or the unveiling of new products or services.


Marketing Holiday Calendar

Marketing holidays (like, Beer Lover’s Day – September 7) are great excuses for promotions and new product launches. If you run a bakery, what about celebrating Sugar Cookie Day (July 9)? Or, if you run a small pet shop, why not celebrate National Cat Day (October 29)? While it may seem far fetched, we bet you can find several “National ____ Days (or Months)” that relate to your industry.


School Partnerships: Charity Night

Partnering with a local school is a great way to integrate your business into your local community and help a school in need. Work with the school to designate a date for your Charity Night in which a certain percentage of sales will benefit the school. You promote the event, the school promotes the event, and it’s a win-win!

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Have you tried any of these marketing activities to drive traffic to your location? Let us know in the comments section below!

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