I haven’t been a student for years, but the month of September always makes me want to go out and purchase brand new notebooks and binders and come home and […]
Being more innovative requires making better decisions. A friend uses a filter called “Time, Talent, Treasure” to help her make important decisions. She learned this from a co-worker [...]
These days, many shoppers prefer to give gift cards as gifts – as opposed to picking out something that the recipient may or may not like. So, if you don’t […]
An example of a complex contact page. It contains a map, a contact form and some info. Vestibulum vel erat nunc. Vestibulum faucibus enim vitae quam dapibus tempus.
In their book “Why Johnny Can’t Brand: Rediscovering the Lost Art of the Big Idea” Bill Schley and Carl Nichols Jr. share their idea of the dominant selling idea (DSI) […]
Seth Godin points out in his book “Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable” that… “In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being [...]