Tips for Today: Engage Your Employees [Infographic]

 In Be The Leader, How To, New Store, Your Employees

An engaged employee has an emotional commitment to the goals and objectives of a company. And while most leaders understand that employee satisfaction is an indicator of future business success, a recent Gallup poll indicates that only 33% of the total U.S. workforce is engaged. That means the majority of U.S. workers are not engaged.

Most employers also know that if their employees aren’t happy—if their wellbeing is compromised—their productivity suffers, and in turn, the future of the company suffers. On the other hand, Gallup has discovered that as the percentage of employees who are engaged at work increases, companies find themselves ready to grow, and when they grow, they help strengthen the greater economy.

So, what are the best practices for engaging employees? This handy dandy infographic from Talentevo, a company that provides businesses with employee performance management software, breaks down the top 3 best practices for engagement:



This one is at the top of most “how to create engaged employees” lists.  There’s nothing more important than good (and honest) communication with your employees about expectations, values and your vision for the company. They’ll become more loyal, more productive and more engaged as a result. Start talking WITH your employees, not TO them, and we bet you’ll see a difference!


By rewarding good behavior, you reinforce behavior you want to see more of throughout your team. And by recognizing a job well done, you make it clear that you and your employees are all in this together. Another good tip: whenever you can replace the pronoun “I” with “we,” do it. This way, your employees know that they are an integral part of your business’ success!


It’s important to challenge your employees so they can achieve their full potential and feel empowered. Help them get out of the comfort zone of their regular routines by assigning them new projects suited to their skills and interests! It will make them feel important, trusted and empowered to take on future challenges.


What are some other ways you engage your employees?

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