Suggestions to help you create meaningful connections with the community at your new retail location.
Charity Partnership
Finding a local charity that is relevant to your customers and important to your company employees is a great way to get involved in the community.
Activity: Charity PartnershipIn-Store Sampling / Demonstrations
Do sampling or demonstrations in your store to give a chance for your customers to try what you do without risk.
Activity: In-Store SamplingOut of Store Sampling / Demonstrations
Do sampling or demonstrations in your location to provide a chance for your customers to try what you do without risk.
Activity: Out of Store SamplingA-Frame Sign
A-frame style sign which would sit, typically just outside the door of your location, to build awareness among existing foot traffic.
Activity: A-Frame Signage"Hello Neighbor" Letter
Send a personalized letter to area merchants. Provide some sort of welcome offer/incentive to visit.
Activity: "Hello Neighbor" Letter