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Annual Strategic Marketing Plans
to Create Long-Lasting Success
Become a marketing maestro by learning to use a rock solid process that creates yearlong marketing plans.

Charity: The Best Kept Secret to Business Growth
Your goto guide for giving to receive. You’ll learn how to match a group in need to your business culture and how to ensure that the experience is personally and financially rewarding for you, your business and the charity.

Design Marketing & Communication Plans
That Surpass Business Goals
Learn to follow the proven path to business growth and profits by mapping out a targeted marketing plan that hits the mark and delivers your message with style.

Drive Return Customer Visits
Through Reward & Loyalty Programs
How to do the things that keep customers coming back to you again and again – and reward them for their loyalty.

Energize Your Workforce
With A Vibrant Company Culture
Learn how to foster meaningful connections between your employees and your company. You’ll get happy, productive, loyal workers who pass the joy on to your customers (and profit to your bottom line).

Explore Your Business Neighborhood
to Find Great Ideas
Go undercover to uncover great business ideas. This neighborhood store tour guide will help you map out a plan to visit stores in your area with an eye on making their best practice your next practice.

Grow Sales By Making Your Location
a Can’t-Miss Destination
Create programming and special events that make you worth going out of the way. Create programs and special events that will get customers to visit more often and buy more with each visit.

Holiday Profits Wrapped With A Bow:
Holiday & Black Friday Promotion Planning
Make it a GREEN holiday season every year with these best practices for capitalizing on all that jolly-giving from Black Friday to New Years!

Knowledge Is Power: Using Facts
& Trends To Drive Your Business
Learn how to find facts instead of assumptions to understand your customers, competition, market, and industry.

Proven New Store Openings That WOW!
Master the proven strategies and activities to create a buzz, get customers through the doors, and generate cash flow from opening day.

Providing Top-Notch Customer Experiences
Products and services are only part of the game. This guide shows you how to design and deliver customer experiences that no competitors can match.

Sample & Demonstrate Your Way
To Higher Sales
Dazzle customers through engaging sampling and demo activities. These tips, tricks and techniques are certain to drive interest and boost sales.

Social Media Insights That Get Results
Follow these social media fundamentals to create enthusiastic fans who will buy your products and eagerly spread the word online about what makes your business special.

Sparking Word-of-Mouth from Customers
To Boost Your Bottom Line
With these smart tools, you will turn your best customers into super-fans who will be quick to recommend your business to their friends. These evangelical customers will serve as a potent marketing force for your business.

Step-by-Step Plan:
Killer Marketing & Sales Strategy
Everything you need to craft and focus a strategy that delivers traffic and maximizes sales at every level.

Strategic Staffing:
Great Employees Make a Business Great
To create and maintain a happy and helpful workforce, it’s vital to use these step-by-step insights for finding, interviewing, evaluating, and hiring great employees.

The Insiders Guide To Marketing Promotions
Follow these proven ways to increase sales by designing and delivering dynamic promotions that hit the sweet spot of your customers’ wants, needs, and desires.