So, competition is getting tough at your downtown location? Here are ideas to check out…
Out of Store Sampling / Demonstrations
Do sampling or demonstrations in your location to provide a chance for your customers to try what you do without risk.
Activity: Out of Store SamplingIn-Store Sampling / Demonstrations
Do sampling or demonstrations in your store to give a chance for your customers to try what you do without risk.
Activity: In-Store SamplingDirect Mail
Send a mailer – with compelling offer – to homes and/or businesses within an area surrounding your location.
Activity: Direct MailCreate A Destination
Engage in activities that make people want to visit your store. Reasons other than simply your products. For example hosting an art event or providing live music will bring customers in for that additional reason.
Activity: Create A DestinationWhen creating a destination, especially consider:
Activity: Art EventActivity: In-Store Music