Suggestions to help you create meaningful connections with the community at your new suburban location.

Charity Partnership

Finding a local charity that is relevant to your customers and important to your company employees is a great way to get involved in the community.

Activity: Charity Partnership

Direct Mail

Send a mailer – with compelling offer – to homes and/or businesses within an area surrounding your location.

Activity: Direct Mail

Create A Destination

Engage in activities that make people want to visit your store. Reasons other than simply your products. For example hosting an art event or providing live music will bring customers in for that additional reason.

Activity: Create A Destination

In-Store Art Event

Hosting an in-store art event serves as a great excuse to bring people into your location at a time possibly different from when they normally visit. And, for an out of the ordinary reason.

Activity: Art Event

In-Store Music

Hosting in-store music events to draw a crowd. That crowd can then be try samples, demonstrations of your product and services, etc.

Activity: In-Store Music

eMail Marketing

Engaging customers who have opted-in to your mailing list is a great way to build trust, loyalty and share relevant information about your products and services.

Activity: eMail Blast