Pre-Opening: Build Community
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- Neighborhood Tours (Meet & Greet)
- eNewsletter / Customer Sign-Up
- Social Media
- Join local Chamber of Commerce / Business Improvement District
Partnering with a charity isn’t necessary, but such a great thing to do. If you’ve got something of value a charity can use, why not give back? Starbucks donates end-of-the-day pastries to shelters and food kitchens. Still tasty, Starbucks doesn’t waste, and the shelter can support their occupants.
Continue your Neighborhood Tours, meeting and greeting neighboring businesses. They’ll have invaluable tips about busy and slow times, possible sources of traffic, etc. Say hello to your neighborhood’s police force and fire department.
Get yourself set-up with a tool to send eNewsletters.
As you’re meeting people, ask them if you can add them to your emailing list to keep them up to date on your location, the opening, etc. Be sure people opt-in and don’t ever put people’s name on your list without their permission. It may feel important to have a long list to mail to, but if it is full of names of people who don’t care to hear from you – the list is worthless.
Keep your social media efforts going – social media is a constant on-going activity.
Finally, what is the appropriate local group for you to belong? The Chamber of Commerce? A Business Improvement District? Ask your neighboring businesses what groups are right to get involved with as you do your meet and greet activities.
That concludes our Pre-Opening activities… Let’s get working on the Grand Opening event… It is going to be great!