Heads or Tails? Battle the Barista for a Freebie!

 In Drive Traffic, Increase Frequency

This past week in New York, we spotted this awesome and engaging tactic at the Australian-style pie and coffee shop, Pie Face:


With no gimmicks or complicated rules, this “instant gratification” game is fun and easy for both Pie Face and the customer.

By capitalizing on what is probably a busy daypart (Monday morning – folks need their coffees!), they encourage numerous patrons to come back a second day in a row. Who knows? Maybe they’ll just take their free coffee, but maybe they’ll purchase a pie or try something new off the menu in addition to their freebie coffee! And, Pie Face is incentivizing customers to come back every Monday morning to “compete.”

We love it!

Have you seen any simple, fun and engaging promotions lately? Share them with us here!

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