
Public libraries are a place where people of all ages go to explore, learn, and be inspired. However, these cultural community centers are often undervalued, understaffed and / or short on funding.

Donating goods or services to your local library is the perfect way to make a difference in your community.

See the Charity & Community Give-Back Guide https://www.lsmguide.com/marketing-activities/destination-events/ for the comprehensive approach to this topic.


Helping out a local library might be the easiest thing you do all year! Something as simple as donated coffee and pastries for their next book club or author event can make a big impact. Additionally, you could hold a book drive for them in your location, or partner with them for other fund raising events (see other Charity suggestions in the Marketing Activities section).

We suggest choosing one library in your community to support, so that you can make the greatest impact possible. Call the library and ask to speak to the library manager, or other administrative manager, to see how you can be of assistance. It might be the case that they don’t need any more books, but could really use a catering donation for an upcoming event. Remember, you want to help them the way they need to be helped, not in the way that’s easiest or most convenient for you.

Be sure to promote your activity in your location, on your website and on social media, and encourage your customers to get involved.

For more information on public libraries in your neighborhood, visit http://www.publiclibraries.com.

Photo Source: flickr.com/photos/paul_lowry/2266388742