
If you’ve ever been the “low guy on the totem pole” at a new job, chances are you’ve been designated the one to run out and pick up coffees, snacks or lunch for your whole team.

Most restaurants and coffee shops see this situation on a regular basis: someone with a piece of paper filled with (sometimes) complicated or specific orders for their co-workers. So why not recognize their efforts and make their day!


As this person probably works nearby, it’s a good idea to take extra special care of them since they’ll (hopefully) be a repeat customer. An easy way to surprise and delight this customer (and to increase your chances that they’ll be a loyal customer) is to offer them a complimentary soda, coffee or other treat to thank them for being an ambassador of your business and for helping out their friends and co-workers. It won’t cost you much at all, and can make a big difference in that person’s day. Plus, they’re likely to spread the good work back at work – boosting your reputation as “one of them” in the community. It’s a win win!

Go one step further and make it easy for the “runner” to carry all the goods back to work. Offer trays, a box, bags with handles – whatever you’ve got – to let them know you’re looking out for them, and will continue to do so in the future.