
Hosting in-store book clubs meetings is a great opportunity for you to expose your business to new customers and to integrate yourself as a part of the community.


Hosting a Book Club at your business is a fun and easy way to provide a new service to existing or potential customers. These groups usually meet monthly, so it’s a great way to encourage repeat business / exposure.

Here’s what you need (at a minimum) to host a book club:

  • A way to get the word out: social media, bulletin board, flyers, etc.
  • Adequate seating (and some tabletop space) for all members.
  • Ability to reserve this seating if you are going to be open to the public during the meeting.
  • Ability to offer the members a few refreshments at a discounted price or free of charge.

The easiest way to host this type of event is to find a group that already meets regularly and offer to be their host for an upcoming book club. Try searching your local paper, Patch.com or Eventbrite for meetings. Depending on the type of book club, and the time of day, you can offer to set them up with light refreshments and whatever else they might need to feel at home.

If you’re a restaurant or cafe, and you don’t have the space to accommodate a book club, but still want to get involved, see about donating trays of pastries or coffees for their meetings. Include menus, business cards and a special offer for members to redeem.

If you’re a retail space with a comfy couch and other seating, bring in coffee (or wine) and snacks and host a private event for the book club after regular business hours. You could offer members 10% off their purchases, or a free gift with purchase for that night only.

See the Making Your Location a Destination Guide for the comprehensive approach to this topic.

Photo Source: flickr.com/photos/juggernautco/1110787309