Good LSM: Restaurant Lunch Specials

 In Drive Traffic, Drive Trial, Good-Bad LSM, Marketing Plan, Planning

In our series “Good LSM, Bad LSM,” we share real-life examples of both good and bad Local Store Marketing (LSM) we see as we’re out and about to help you in your marketing and sales driving activities.

This week, we’re sharing a great idea from Feast!, a specialty food shop in Charlottesville, VA.  In addition to having a wide selection of gourmet goodies, they also offer catering and soups, salads and sandwiches (and more!) to stay or go. Check out their idea for an “International Tuesday” below! restaurant lunch specials What a fun and easy idea for a restaurant, bakery or sandwich shop to implement! Not only will it keep your customers checking in for what you’re offering that week, but it will allow your business to experiment with new flavor combinations for a potentially permanent menu item! We also like how Hernan (the employee featured above) is able to share his Salvadorian roots with his fellow employees and customers.

What do you think? Would an international day work for your small business? Let us know in the comments section below!

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